Strength-based Leadership

Anyone who has served in a leadership role knows serving in it means being strong mentally, physically and emotionally. Basically, being an effective leader means being tough. Being a leader means being strong in more ways than physically as well. One has to be welling to withstand adverse situations and changes within the organizations. One could study organization development and leadership for years while remaining ill prepared as a leader. Leaders have to withstand bad forms of communications. Being a strong leader means being able to hold one’s vision, goals, and objectives when others (followers and colleagues) may want to give up on the idea. It is essential for leaders to have enough strength to see the future of themselves and the organization when others may be in doubt. Also, it is advantageous for one to have the strength to act from a high level of integrity and character. Many of the world’s greatest leaders have dealt with turmoil and negative statements made by others. However, those leaders due to strong levels of integrity and character provided great contributions to society. One can see that strength is a major component of great leaders. A few questions some may be asking. How does one know if they need to become a stronger leader? How does one become a stronger leader? Linely, Govindji, and West (2007) provide a significant explanation of strength-based leadership. A response to the first question is being honest with oneself while evaluating one’s leadership styles. A leader may not be knowledgeable of the potential negative behaviors they are displaying. Furthermore, those behaviors could be hindering them from becoming a stronger leader. It is essential for leaders to check their motives as well. Being a stronger leader crosses discipline and professions. Business executives, singers, and civil employees should have a focus on becoming a stronger leader. Being a stronger leader in any of these fields may be one of the few determinants of one continued success. Being a leader in an organization or a field is not about gaining significant amounts of fame or financial stability. It is about helping others achieve success as well as achieving the goals of the organization one may represent. 


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