Relationships impact on leaders

In intimate relationships, there are individuals who are more dominant. However, in the world outside of intimacy, there are people who are even more dominant, but not leaders. More so, there are leaders who have little to no significant relationship with their family which may include spouses and/ or children. For example, Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther king Jr., and others may be considered those individuals who have strained relationships within their family where there is little to no attention given to family members. Given the amount of time these leaders devoted to others, logically, time had to be taken away from their family. This does not mean that people that are leaders should abandon their responsibilities at home, but that they should learn a certain level of work life balance. Nevertheless, a person that is highly passionate about their profession, such as social leaders, it is key that families and friends realize the leader’s longing and family members should support the leader to the best of their ability. Communication within relationship is a vital component in this work-family balance. Furthermore, some leadership roles are forced and others are requested. In either situation, depending on the relationship status of the leader and family, one should consult their family as well as potential life partners before committing to a certain role. Not everyone is called to be a spouse or child of a great leader. Even though children might not have a say in their birthright, children are individuals and should be considered as such. Leaders make sacrifices and so does their family. A vital question could be how does one determine if they should make a sacrifice in regards to their family? This is a great question to ponder in regards to the impact of relationship on leader behavior. The answer to this question depends on the impact of it on the family, spouse, child, world, and generations to come. Social leaders such as pastors make many sacrifices by traveling to different cities, states, countries, etc. Nevertheless, their families are satisfied with their quality of life. Family members might not receive the same amount of time and attention as someone who parent’s does not have to participate in this type of lifestyle but, there is a higher level of satisfaction in their lives.

If one is a spouse of a great leader, one may want to evaluate the way that they show support to this person. Sometimes spouse need to be sustenance to the leader and sometimes the leader needs to give attention to their spouse. Leadership is about balance inside the workplace as well as at home. Some may argue that the way one caries themselves at home is a direct reflection of them in the organization. This may not be the case at all times. There are several parameters that are significantly different in home life and the workplace situations. One major difference is the mode of operation or the token of economy. Something that motivates a person at home may not motivate them in the place of work. It is imperative that leaders know the role that their family has in their life. Children and spouses have a reason for being in the home. A good and effective leader knows their roles in the home and the workplace as well as the differences between the two. Influential people know specific leadership styles to execute that benefit both the organization and their family. Families are there to support, encourage, be a sound board to bounce ideas, etc. Employing this knowledge and wisdom in present day leadership situations may be a key component to both leader and family fulfillment in life.


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